Staff Hub

Mental Health

We're committed to supporting your mental health and creating an inclusive workplace that centres your health and wellbeing. 

Where can I access support?

Your Line Manager - Your 1-2-1s are a space you can discuss mental health and any support you might need. Your line manager will listen, can signpost you to services to gain support and can discuss reasonable adjustments to your work if you need them. 

Employee Assistance Programme - As an employee of UCB Guild, you can access the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). 

This includes a range of services offered by an external provider to help employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health and wellbeing. Included within the EAP which is provided by Health Assured is a 24/7 telephone helpline providing advice and support, including counselling (0800 028 0199). 

 Also included within the EAP is access to a health and wellbeing portal which provides confidential access to wellbeing factsheets, videos, self-help programmes and interactive tools.To access the portal please click here:

Username: Wellbeing. Please see your e-mails for the password to access this service. 


Interesting Reads:

The below links will take you to resources external to the Guild which provide useful information, hints and tips on staying healthy at work. 

How to be mentally healthy at work by Mind

How to manage stress by Mind



We have a broad range of policies within the Guild which centre positive mental health in the workplace. This includes our: Wellbeing, Stress Management, Equality and Diversity, Dignity at Work, Flexible Working, Leave and TOIL polciies. 

You can read all of our Guild policies via your BreatheHR account online. If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact your line manager. 



You can access Mental Health Awareness Training for free via UCB's Canva page here.