Start Your Career as an Officer

In an uncertain year, we explore the one thing we know for sure! That being an Officer will give you the skills, knowledge and hands-on experience to succeed in any career, and we really do mean ANY!

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In an uncertain year, we explore the one thing we know for sure! That being an Officer will give you the skills, knowledge and hands-on experience to succeed in any career, and we really do mean ANY!

Our Full-Time Roles are PAID roles, Full-Time for at least a year. That can be two if you decide to run for a second year, and beyond if you take the step into NUS roles. As an Officer you will receive all the training you need and a whole load more. And here’s just a few of the skills you’ll learn and demonstrate…

  • Your leadership skills will be developed and tested as you lead the Guild, lead campaigns, and support student leaders.
  • You’ll network network network. From conferences to meetings, to supporting national campaigns – you’ll learn who to act in a whole range of professional situations.
  • As a trustee, you’ll get a financial overview and understanding of the Guild, and have the opportunity to make real-world financial decisions!


Our Volunteer Roles, as Student Communities and Diversity Officer, give you loads of experience that you can use for your degree and your future, and here’s just a few…

  • Understanding what a work environment looks like. Whilst the Guild is built around you, you’ll have responsibilities within your role that you’ll need to meet.
  • We have a team who will help you can learn. You can also try new things, and if you make mistakes we’re here for you
  • You can improve skills such as time management, coordinating your time, and learn about the different people in work environments 

We have Full-Time and Volunteer Roles to stand for in the Election.

  • Full Time (President and Vice President) these roles are full-time paid roles that drive and lead the Guild, you work hands-on in all aspects of the guild and drive every aspect of the community.
  • Volunteer (Student Communities Officer and Diversity Officer) these part-time roles allow students to study and be part of the Guild. Whilst you can get involved in everything, the main focus is building student groups and diversity – which is key to our fantastic community.

For all these roles, click here to stand and for all the information you need about this election!
