What are the rules?

We want to encourage fun, vibrant, and exciting campaigns, but elections must also be free and fair. That is why we are providing guidelines on the elections for all candidates. Breaches of any of the following rules and regulations could lead to disqualification, so it is very important that you follow them.

The Rules for All Candidates

  • Candidates must treat other candidates, students and members of the public with respect
  • Candidates will not act in such a way to bring the election process, the Guild or the University into disrepute
  • Candidates’ campaigns should be fully transparent and accountable to the Guild
  • Candidates must not do anything to gain unfair advantage
  • Candidates must not undermine the fair and democratic running of elections

Candidate Regulations

Alongside our core rules, please also follow the following regulations to ensure a fair and enjoyable election. 


You must only undertake campaigns activities that other candidates would also have the ability to do

Elections can be very competitive, and everyone is looking for an edge when it comes to running their campaign. But they must also be fair. That is why you can only do something that another candidate would also have a fair ability of doing.

So, if you manage to convince a club promoter you have never met before to let you do a shout out at a student club night – that is fine, because any other candidate could have done that. But if the club promoter is your brother, then you cannot. Same goes for sending e-mails out to society mailing lists, making use of private Facebook groups etc. If someone else couldn’t do it, neither can you.


Voters must be able to vote freely, and you can’t in any way interfere with their vote once they are voting

Voting is done online, which means anywhere can be a voting booth. Voters need to be able to vote freely, which means you can’t  coerce, bully or in any way interfere with their vote.

If a student asks for help whilst voting, you can share information with them and show them how to vote for you if they wish. You may not, however, vote on their device yourself. 


You can only alter, move or remove campaign materials with permission

You cannot take down another candidate’s posters, delete their Facebook posts, alter their materials or in any way interfere with another candidate’s campaign unless they give you permission. If we receive a complaint, we will ask you to show that you had a candidate's permission. 


Mailing lists can only be used where it is lawful to do so

It isn’t legal to send communication to people who haven’t consented to receive it, so you must make sure that you can demonstrate you have permission from those on a mailing list to contact them about your election.


You must make sure that anyone campaigning for you also follows the rules, and be able to demonstrate that if a complaint is made against your campaign team

These rules don’t just apply to the candidate. If anyone in your campaign team, supporting you or otherwise taking part in running your election campaign does something to break these core rules, it could lead to you being disqualified from the election.

Once again, breaches of these main rules or the financial regulations by either the candidate or their supporters could lead to disqualification from the election, so please ensure you understand them fully.


You must abide by the financial regulations outlined below 

There will be a limit on how much each candidate can spend on their campaign.

This limit will be announced to all candidates via e-mail and at the Candidate Briefing. Candidates must submit a valid campaign spend sheet via the Guild website here: https://www.ucbguild.co.uk/voice/elections/resourcehub/expenses/.

This must be completed, including receipts no later than 12 noon Thursday 25th April 2024.

Candidates may make use of items they already own during their campaign. If these items are likely to be accessible for free by all other candidates, then they do not need to be included in campaign spend. If not, they must be costed into your campaign spending and not exceed the campaign spend limit. No candidate may spend above the spending limit even if they do not claim their expenses.

Rules for Guild Staff & University Staff:

Candidates must not make use of Guild resources in order to undertake their campaign.

Candidates and supporters of candidates who currently hold an elected role or job within the Guild – as long as they are students of UCB - can continue to undertake their role and are free to campaign outside of their contracted hours.

University and Guild staff are allowed to generally support the elections, and encourage students to get involved and vote. They should not show any favour or support for any specific candidate.