Refreshers Week 2024 – All Events

Not long until Refreshers Week 2024! All events with time and location will be added on this page, so stay tuned.


Welcome to all new UCB students! And welcome back to everyone who's returning after exams. Refreshers Week 2024 is fast approaching, and we can't wait to get together with all of you.

12th February:

1-5pm IKEA Trip (UPDATE: The IKEA Trip is now fully booked.)
Is your room missing some decoration? Are you in need of a couple of wine glasses or a little houseplant? Sign up for our IKEA trip here! We have a minibus booked that will pick everyone up in front of Moss House at 1pm (make sure you're there 15 minutes early, as departure will be at 1pm sharp!)
Make sure to book your spot, as we can only take people with a valid booking with us.

13th February:

11am-2pmFree Pancakes on Pancake Day
Come to the Guild Office in Moss House and you’ll get a free pancake if you follow us on our Instagram @ucbguildofstudents!

6-8pm – Board Game Night at Chance & Counters in Digbeth (UPDATE: The Board Game Night is now fully booked.)
Come along for a fun evening of board games and half-price tacos. Sign up here (Please note: If you're participating in playing the board games, there will be a gaming fee of £2/hour per person to be paid on-site. If you're just coming along for drinks and tacos, there will be no extra cost for you.)

14th February:

2-3pm – Speed-Mating Event in MH233
The best thing about Refreshers Week is meeting new friends, and we want you to find your people here at UCB.
Our Speed-Mating Event gives you the opportunity to connect with students outside of your cohort. And who knows, you might walk out with your new bestie!

4-6pm – Pizza and Paint in MH233
Enjoy a slice of pizza, while painting and chatting away. Does it get any cosier? Sign up here.

15th February:

10am-2pm – Welcome Fest at Moss House
Connect with other students, find your societies, score some freebies and enjoy the vibes!

10pm-late  Refreshers Party at O'Neill's Broad Street
Grab your mates for a night out to celebrate the start of the new term. Tickets available here.