Accessability at Events

When you're delivering an event or activity, you should always consider how accessible and inclusive it is. 

It could be that you make adjustments to ensure more students are able, and feel comfortable, coming to your event.

Please note that this list is non-exhaustive and you should always ensure you have effectively communicated with your members/attendees to see if they have any additional requirements that you need to take into consideration. 


Event Location 

  • Is there a lift/ramp access at the venue? 
  • Are there disabled toilets?
  • Are their gender-neutral toilets?
  • Is there a quiet space available for a student to access if they need to? 
  • Is there accessible parking? 
  • Is there a hearing loop available? 
  • If needed, is your event correctly signposted? 



  • Have we asked our members if they have any dietary requirements? (Halal/Kosher/Vegan/Allergies etc.) 
  • Are there alcohol-free drinks available? 
  • Are we running events that are not focused on drinking/alcohol?



  • Have we checked if any of our attendees have additional access requirements? 
  • Have we communicated specific information in our event regarding flash photography or amplified sounds/music? 



  • Do we know and understand the reporting procedure for incidents we might witness? 


Event Logistics: Timing & Cost 

  • Is our event affordable? 
  • Is our event suitable for children/families? 
  • Depending on the time/date, will you need to consider additional space for prayer? 


It's not always going to be possible that everyone can attend every event your society deliver (for example. children wouldn't be able to attend an event in Walkabout). However, you should always try to ensure a broad range and type of events so as to allow for more students from our community to join in and attend. 

If you have any questions or need some support making adjustments at your event, please contact