Manage your Finances

All societies will need to use the Finance system in order to process their finances. 


What will the this be used for?

  • Any third-party purchases  i.e. Amazon
  • Money required for any services provided
  • If you’ve spent your own money and need to request for it back from the Guild


What if I don't use the system?

If you don't use the finance system, you will not be able to access your budget or funds that are allocated to your society. 


Can I access all of my society funds at once? 

The guild budget allocated will not be given to you in full it will stay in a holding account and you will gain access to the funds needed once the request has been put through the system.


Do I need to keep receipts?

All receipts for purchases made must be uploaded onto the system in order for the payment to be approved. These must be full receipts which include the VAT number and not only confirmation e-mails/messages. 


Please note: Societies are not permitted to handle cash at any time and all transactions should be managed digitally.